Sitting can be just as dangerous for seniors as smoking or eating an unhealthy diet. Older adults who remain sedentary for hours at a stretch are at risk for developing cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, circulatory issues, and mobility problems. If your senior loved one is sedentary most of the day, encourage him or her to start moving and prevent these health issues. Take a look at some of the best activities for sedentary seniors.
1. Going to the Park, Museum, or Mall
Many seniors lead sedentary lives because they cannot step out of their homes without assistance. Simply getting out of the house occasionally can make older adults active. Seniors should consider heading out to the park for a walk, visiting a local museum, or walking at a mall. By finding a good spot to walk, aging adults can let go of their sedentary lives and become more active.
Older adults who need help getting some physical activity should consider professional in-home care. Homecare experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently.
2. Volunteering
Volunteering is an excellent choice for people who want to remain active in their golden years. Walking dogs at an animal shelter, playing with children on the playground at an after-school program, and packing boxes of canned goods at a food bank are a few options worth considering. Most volunteer opportunities provide a way to stay active and maintain a sense of purpose.
3. Gardening
Gardening is a great way to get up and move, and the activity can be modified depending on your loved one’s mobility level. Whether your parent starts a big garden full of veggies or grows a few plants in containers on the patio, gardening is a wonderful way to stay active and engaged.
Helping older adults with daily activities can be a challenging task, especially for overworked caregivers. Families who find it difficult to care for their aging loved ones without assistance can benefit greatly from professional respite care. Philadelphia, PA, family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties can turn to Home Care Assistance. Using our proprietary Balanced Care Method, our respite caregivers can encourage your loved one to eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of mental and social stimulation, and focus on other lifestyle factors that promote longevity.
4. Spending Time with a Dog
Taking care of a dog involves going for walks, playing fetch in the backyard, and engaging in other activities that boost physical health. Just make sure your loved one is comfortable with the idea of a new pet. You can take your parent to a local animal shelter or rescue organization to see what kind of dogs are available in your area.
5. Using a Fitness App
Something as simple as a pedometer or a Fitbit could be what your loved one needs to get moving. Set a daily step goal and challenge your parent to meet it. You can also work together by having contests to see who takes the most steps each week
Hiring a professional caregiver is a good way to boost your parent’s health and wellbeing. If your elderly loved one needs help maintaining a high quality of life while aging in place, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a trusted provider of Philadelphia home care service. Our caregivers provide transportation to and from medical appointments and social events, nutritious meal preparation, assistance with daily exercise, and help with everyday tasks like bathing, grooming, and light housekeeping. If your loved one needs assistance with the challenges of aging, reach out to one of our knowledgeable, compassionate Care Managers today at (215) 645-4663.